Raspberry Pi Windows 10 IoT Core

windows 10 on rpi

Installation of Raspberry Pi Windows 10 is very simple. If you are not new, then you know about Windows 10 IoT Core. But for those who don’t know, Windows 10 is one of the most popular operating systems. More than 1 billion devices are running on Windows 10. To jump into the IoT sector, Microsoft … Read more

Raspberry pi 5 features specification.

raspberry pi 5 first look

Raspberry pi is a series of single-board computers. The latest board available in the market is the Raspberry pi 4, The most powerful board is coming soon which is the Raspberry pi 5. Raspberry Pi is very popular among makers. There are many variants available in the market. Raspberry pi B was the first board … Read more

How to install twister OS on Raspberry pi? Windows 10 & OSX look on your Pi

How will you install twister OS on raspberry pi?

Twister OS is an operating system overlay, based on Raspbian which is raspberry pi 4, and loaded with dozens of apps that users can use directly on the first boot. The design is also an interesting point on twister OS, while Raspberry Pi OS is pretty basic. Twister OS includes themes to look like windows, … Read more

ADXL335 Accelerometer Sensor working and Arduino Interface

working of Accelerometer and arduino interface

An Accelerometer can be demonstrated as an electronic device used to measure the movement of anybody or a structure. In simple words, it measures the acceleration and vibration of anybody. It can absorb the vibrating waves released by the body and find out the point of orientation of the body. It is capable of sensing … Read more

TCS3200/TCS230 Color Sensor working and Arduino interface

colour sensor thumbnail

Colour sensors are widely used in the automobile, cloth, and food packaging industries. Those devices are quite complicated and expensive. So Colour sensors like TCS3200 or TCS239 are perfect modules for small projects because of their inexpensive price and simplicity. In this article, we will learn about the working and Arduino interface of these sensors. … Read more