How to Interface BMP180 pressure sensor with Arduino

bmp180 with arduino thumbnail

In many of the projects like Drones, weather stations, improving routing performance, sports, etc. Calculating pressure and altitude is very important. The BMP180 sensor is one of the most regularly used sensors for detecting pressure & Temperature.  These sensors are very simple, pre-calibrated, and don’t need extra components, so you can start calculating barometric pressure, … Read more

Working and Arduino interface of MLX90614 IR sensor

interface MLX90614 with arduino

Non-contact infrared temperature scanners have become more common since the introduction of COVID-19, appearing at restaurants and airports worldwide. You might be interested in creating one or just intrigued by these temperature scanners. The Melexis MLX90614 Module may therefore be the most cost-effective choice available in that situation. Working of sensor Infrared thermometers like the … Read more

How does the RC522 RFID Module work and interface it with Arduino?

Remember the days when you have to wait in long lines at a store just for checkout? These are the days of the past. The RFID-based walk-through automatic checkout solution is now available thanks to technological advancement.  Nowadays almost all the stores have it. A person can walk through the door directly and will check … Read more

Interface BME280 Temperature, Humidity & Pressure Sensor with Arduino

Interface BME280 Temperature, Humidity & Pressure Sensor with Arduino

BME280 sensor is an ecological sensor with temperature, barometric tension, and humidity!. We already successfully interface Temperature and humidity sensors with arduino. This precision sensor is the most ideal low-expense sensing solution for estimating humidity with ±3% accuracy, barometric pressure with ±1 hPa absolute precision, and temperature with ±1.0°C accuracy. Since pressure changes with altitude … Read more