How does the RC522 RFID Module work and interface it with Arduino?

Remember the days when you have to wait in long lines at a store just for checkout? These are the days of the past. The RFID-based walk-through automatic checkout solution is now available thanks to technological advancement.  Nowadays almost all the stores have it. A person can walk through the door directly and will check … Read more

Interface BME280 Temperature, Humidity & Pressure Sensor with Arduino

Interface BME280 Temperature, Humidity & Pressure Sensor with Arduino

BME280 sensor is an ecological sensor with temperature, barometric tension, and humidity!. We already successfully interface Temperature and humidity sensors with arduino. This precision sensor is the most ideal low-expense sensing solution for estimating humidity with ±3% accuracy, barometric pressure with ±1 hPa absolute precision, and temperature with ±1.0°C accuracy. Since pressure changes with altitude … Read more

DS18B20 Temperature Sensor and Arduino Interfacing: what you need to know

ds18b20 temperature sensor arduino connection

The DS18B20 is a temperature sensor that provides 9-bit to 12-bit values of temperature. Temperature readings from a specific device can be shown here. This sensor can communicate with an internal microprocessor via a one-wire bus protocol that employs only one data line. It is also possible to eliminate the requirement for an additional power … Read more

In-depth about the LM35 Temperature Sensors and Arduino interface

In-depth information about the LM35 Temperature Sensors

Incorporating an LM35 Temperature Sensor into your Arduino project is a simple and low-cost option for temperature detection. These accurate sensors need no further hardware. When it comes to temperature sensors, all it takes is a few simple connections and some Arduino code! LM35 Temperature sensor LM35 is a low-voltage, high-precision centigrade temperature sensor. Because … Read more

TMP36 temperature sensor working and Arduino connection

TMP36 temperature sensor

The TMP36 Temperature Sensor is a low-cost solution to incorporate temperature sensing into your Arduino project. These sensors are highly accurate and don’t require additional hardware. All it takes is a few simple connections and some Arduino code for temperature sensors! Analog Devices manufactures the TMP36, a low-voltage, precision centigrade temperature sensor. You can use … Read more

Everything about Soil moisture sensor, working, and Arduino interface

soil moisture sensor interface with arduino

Soil moisture sensor measures the volumetric content of water in the soil. This sensor is widely used in smart irrigation and smart gardens. In this article, we will learn how soil moisture sensors work and how we can interface it to Arduino. Working of soil moisture sensor Soil moisture sensors have two probs which inserted … Read more

DHT11 Module Temperature and Humidity sensor Arduino interface

The DHT11 Sensor is low-cost digital Humidity and Temperature measuring sensor. In this article, we will interface the DHT11 sensor with Arduino and measure the temperature and humidity. Working of DHT11 Sensor Inside the sensor, there are two main components humidity sensing component and an NTC temperature sensor. DHT11 has an inbuild Negative Temperature coefficient … Read more