How (PWM) Pulse Width Modulation works with Arduino 1 article to Deadline w query

How Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) works with Arduino

Pulse Width Modulation(PWM) is a technique used for getting analog signals with the help of digital means. The digital control is used to create a square wave, a signal switched between an on and off state.  This on-off pattern is able to simulate the voltage in between full on i.e, 5 Volts, and off i.e, … Read more

1 article for Arduino Nano Every pinout and their function Always work

Arduino Micro pinout and their function

The Arduino Nano Every is the evolved version of the Arduino Nano Board.  The Nano Every Board is the smallest board in the Arduino family with dimensions of 45x18mm and a weight under 5 grams. The low price and small size of this board make it an ideal pick for the range of electrical projects … Read more

How 2-Axis Joystick Works & Interface with Arduino

joystick interface with arduino

The joysticks are one of the well-known controllers. They are primarily used for controlling movement. And the best thing about it is that it’s used in game-controlling devices. Also, they are used in other devices but the primary function and role played by the joysticks are the controlling movements. The information about it might be … Read more

How to Install Chromium OS on Raspberry pi

How will you install chromium OS on raspberry pi

Chromium OS is a Linux-based operating system that uses the Google Chrome web browser user interface as its main principle interface. This was initially designed for running web applications. One of the best and greatest things about this is that it is open-source which means that you can modify it according to you. In this … Read more