SpaceX Falcon Heavy Rocket Scheduled to Launch

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Elon Musk's company SpaceX plans to launch the Falcon Heavy Rocket from Kennedy, Space Centre Florida.

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Falcon Heavy Rocket is carrying a new communications satellite for the US military and a second, smaller satellite carrying a number of experimental payloads.

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The Heavy is three Falcon 9 boosters lined up next to and connected to each other. This makes it a complex rocket to launch.

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The classified mission of the US Space Force is called USSF-67. The Liftoff is scheduled for 5:55 p.m. EST.

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USSF-67 is a classified mission for the USA Space Force lifting off from Launch Complex 39A. While the exact payload manifest for this launch is unclear, USSF-67 contains five payloads

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The main payload is a military communications satellite called Continuous Broadcast Augmenting SATCOM 2 Falcon Heavy will place this in the geostationary orbit.

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Launched in February 2018, this will be the fifth launch for Falcon Heavy and the first for this year.

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Falcon Heavy was launched again with operational satellites in April 2019 and June 2019.

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SpaceX has at least three more Heavy missions scheduled in the first half of 2023. 

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Falcon 9 booster will land on a droneship in the Pacific and also be livestreamed.

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