LG is come up with a new revolutionary car speaker technology  which can convert any car surface into a speaker.

They are planning to replace the traditional speakers with a thin actuator sound solution name (TASS).

These speakers work by using film-type exciter technology to allow just about any surface to vibrate and produce sound even displays.

The TASS speaker is 150mm long and 90mm in breath the weight of the system is 40grams.

The system can be integrated with any surface, especially on the dashboard.

We have transformed the conventionally heavy and bulky speaker into a high-quality ‘invisible’ sound solution by using our cutting-edge technology to elevate space, design, and eco-friendly factors

and provide a next-level sound experience like none before.” said Yeo Chun-ho, Vice President and Head of the Business Development Division at LG Display.

The main aim of this project is to remove the traditional bulky sound systems and find new eco-friendly technologies.

The company is planning to launch the TASS speaker in 2023.

The project got CES innovation awards in the In-Vehicle Entertainment & Safety category.

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