Solar-powered cyborg cockroaches could rescue humans, study says

The backpacks tapped into the nervous systems of Madagascar hissing cockroaches, giving researchers the ability to move the robotic roach in certain directions with the press of a wireless button. 

A 2015 study at Texas A&M used a battery-powered backpack that allowed researchers to successfully steer cockroaches to the left and right about 60 percent of the time.

While cockroaches are ideal for exploring nuclear and chemical disasters since they are mostly immune to radiation,

Fukuda says the ultra-thin solar cell could be used on other insects, even flying ones, to allow humans to control their movements.

Fukuda also sayed, Considering the deformation of the thorax and abdomen during basic locomotion

A hybrid electronic system of rigid and flexible elements in the thorax and ultrasoft devices in the abdomen appears to be an effective design for cyborg cockroaches.