12 Ways to Secure IoT Devices

Change the default password of the IoT device since these default passwords are easy to guess.


Always update your software as soon as possible, as these updates fix many major security issues.


Use robust authentication techniques like multi-factor authentication while transferring data from the IoT to avoid online interception.


Disable the ports that are not used or required to lower the risk of attack.


Isolating IoT devices from other devices on the network can hamper the spreading of malware and reduce the risk of other devices getting attacked.


Installing intrusion detection and prevention systems can considerably increase the overall security of IoT devices.


Locks and access controls are security measures that can physically stop any intrusion on IoT devices.


Spot security intrusions by monitoring the device’s log activity.


IoT users should be educated regarding how to protect themselves from scams or phishing and not share sensitive information.


To make sure that security measures are followed, regular auditing of security should be conducted to spot vulnerabilities.


Prefer a reputed seller for purchasing your IoT device, one who is trusted for security.


There should be a pre-planned security breach response that will help effectively respond to such a situation.


You can protect your IoT devices and the private data they hold by adhering to these best practices.