This website lets you simulate an asteroid impact on your desired location with detailed information.

If you are a science lover and have an interest in space science this website helps you a lot to study the impact of an asteroid on earth.

This website allows you to simulate how, exactly, an asteroid might crush, vaporize, set fire to, and otherwise destroy any given locale. 

Neal Agarwal is the main developer of this website, who has a knack for fascinating data-driven projects.

First, you select the asteroid's composition like gold, iron, Carbon, or any other. 

Then select Diameter, speed, and impact angle.

Last, select your location and then click launch asteroid.

It will simulate the impact, the graphics are amazing and the data it provides is shocking.

It will provide the crater dimension, the number of deaths, injured, earthquake intensity, wind speed, shock wave, etc.

Check out     

For more click here

If you are a science lover and have an interest in space science this website helps you a lot to study the impact of an asteroid on earth.