Scientist record the sound of glaciers

21 Scientists from Europe, the USA, and Canada were sent to study the ocean and climate-related phenomena used in scientific analysis. 

This program is conducted U.S. National Science Foundation's polar program which is 4 weeks long.

The interesting guy in the group of scientists is an artist, Siobhan McDonald, among them.

McDonald is installing microphones in the ocean off the coast of Greenland to "record and preserve the soundscape of melting icebergs," reported The Guardian.

The hydrophones will be placed for a two-year period during which they will capture noises hourly before being recovered and used to gather data.

Speaking on the expedition ship on Tuesday, McDonald said that what listeners are hearing through the hydrophones is a moment in time.

I'm curious to hear about noise pollution. Animals in the ocean and the Arctic depend heavily on sound.

According to him, it emphasizes the need of being aware of the damage we are bringing to the ecosystems around us. 

A few hydrophones from a previous trip were discovered appearing like strange animals emerging from the Greenland water.

The art-science initiative is supported by the European Commission, the Arts Council of Ireland, the Monaghan Council, Creative Ireland, the non-profit organization GLUON & the Ocean Memory Project.