Can Google Challenge OpenAI?

In the past, the subject of intellectual property in the realm of AI was not given much attention.

In 2014 and 2015 deep neural networks started outperforming humans in many tasks including image recognition.

While much of this research was openly published, some of the companies started building substantial portfolios of intellectual property.

It is likely that Google, also followed a similar train of thought when it came to the many AI startups.

Prosecuting their AI patents just did not make much business sense and building the AI ecosystem was a community effort.

Google has a very strong IP portfolio covering the many areas of AI

When it comes to IP protection in AI, Google is the strongest company.

Google is also the original inventor of the core self-attention methods used in transformer architectures.

Google scientists who made seminal breakthroughs in transformer neural networks that paved the way for GPT-3.

OpenAI, a very prominent AI powerhouse, was originally formed as a non-profit.

In 2014, Elon Musk, made all of Tesla’s patents public to prevent unfair competitive practices in the EV industry.

Patents are a great way to demonstrate priority and protect against patent trolling but suing other scientific groups in AI is not common practice. 

Google has a very strong IP portfolio covering the many areas of AI